Welcome To The Discussion…

Hello Friends,

Welcome to Inciting Reason: Pragmatism In A Modern World. The purpose for this blog is to act as an outlet for pragmatic discussion on any and all topics (whether it be headlining news stories or individual thoughts on social issues, to commentary on the financial expenditures in organized sports, and etc. — no topic is irrelevant here).

In a world full of extremist opinion and ideology, the community of Reason needs to have a voice. The media chooses to only present (and support) the most radical view points of any given topic. They argue that you can only be Left or Right, and that common-ground between the two doesn’t exist. We are that common-ground.

Our politicians continue to divide us while simultaneously dragging us into their irrational, personal agendas, and Society has become complacent and apathetic, turning a blind eye to the authoritative few that desires to control it. We are those who keep the government in check, especially since it fails to balance its own ledgers.

In a time when Free Speech is so fragile, we arise to provoke the giant looming over us. A call-to-arms that our communities will stand for their independent thoughts/rights/freedoms. We are that voice, and we encourage you to join us by contributing your own, independent perspective.

If you wish to submit your own content, please email us at incitingreason@gmail.com.

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Be The Voice,

Inciting Reason

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